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Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul

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This was the first diary of a wimpy kid book i read it's really funny i liked the bit where mom said they were going to grandma's nursing home and Manny was happy and excited but then a few days later she said they were going to disney world instead and Manny was so sad so they had to go to the nursing home to visit Grandma instead greg was not happy at all! i definitely rate this book 5 stars! Show more Show less
The family go on holidays. Their car breaks down and they walk to a fair where they win a pig. They think their stuff gets stolen but it turns out it isn’t. They stay in 3 hotels.
About a boy who writes a diary and he goes on a road trip and gets all crazy and nothing goes right. I loved this book, great for an 8 year old.

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